Monday, November 7, 2016

Immigration Reform Must Happen

            An immigration reform must happen according to an opinion post on the Daily Texan. We see many arguments that the immigration system is broken and it is separating many families, the processes of becoming a citizen, and the reason why a reform is necessary.
            The immigration system is broken and over due for a “polishing” after this country was founded by immigrants. The current system is separating innocent children from their parents because they wanted a better future for the kids. Crime is increasing in the south due to the trafficking of drugs, a world children should not witness. Anyone would do whatever it takes so that the children get a better life. After many years of being in the states, the children practically grow up learning the values and traditions of being a U.S citizen. They do their best in school so that the risks their parents had to take were not a waste, only to find out that they are not allowed to continue onto higher education when they know more about the US than their birth land. The process for becoming a citizen is very difficult and costly. Many people who have a very strong argument that Immigrants take jobs and take advantage of benefits do not understand what it is that they do. They will do anything for their families. They are hard workers who do the jobs other do not want to do. An example is construction. Nobody wants to be out in the hot sun or the cold winters for 12 hours each day just to put food on the table. A reform will allow them to stop having to worry about not being able to come home because there was a deportation raid at work, where they loose their families and the many years of hard work just to be thrown away.

            An immigration reform is a must to keep the economy going and to become a better country for the future generations.

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